Sex: Female
Race: White/Hispanic
Location: Grand Canyon, Arizona
Found: October 31, 1958
Unidentified for: 59 years (2017)
Postmortem interval: 18 months
Body condition: Skeletal
Age approximation: 11 - 17
Height approximation: 5'0-5'3
Weight approximation: 105 lbs
Dentals: Available.
Fingerprints: Not available.
DNA: Not available.
Cause of Death: Presumed homicide
The Little Miss X Case
Alloette” white cotton bra (size 34 C) were located near the remains. In addition, the following personal items were located: a gold chain, a small jar of Ponds cold cream, a white nylon comb, a small white powder puff with traces of sun-tan colored powder and a small blue plastic nail file case with the indentation of the letter “P” and a hand printed capital “R” written next to it. The reconstruction featured above is an artist’s rendering of what the Jane Doe may have looked like.
Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: White wool cardigan short sleeve sweater, brown plaid with green and red pattern World Gamons GRAFF California Wear capri (pedal pusher) pants, white rayon underpants (size small), white Maidenform Alloette cotton bra (size 34C).
Jewelry: Gold neck chain with tiny curb-style links, 18-inch, 10k.
Additional Personal Items: Small jar of Ponds cold cream, nylon white comb, small white powder puff with traces of sun-tan colored powder, small blue plastic nail file case with the indentation of the capital letter "P" written in script, followed by the indentation of a hand printed capital letter "R."
Investigating Agency(s)
If you have any information about this case please contact;
Agency Name: Coconino County Sheriff’s Department
Agency Contact Person: N/A
Agency Phone Number: 928-226-5012
Agency Name: Coconino County Medical Examiner's Office
Agency Contact Person: Amy Kelly-McLaughlin
Agency Phone Number: 928-679-8775
Agency Case Number: LE: 509-01397; ME: 12-064; NCMEC: 1137582
NCIC Case Number: Not entered
NamUs Case Number: UP #9859
can this by any chance be 2123DFCA - Brenda Jo Howell? they resemble each other, and somehow wearing the same thing, being out that long clothes does change colors.. PLEASE LOOK INTO IT!!!